BA student Michelle Cooper discovers the importance of education, gains confidence

BA student Michelle Cooper discovers the importance of education, gains confidence

For baccalaureate student Michelle Cooper, the importance and accessibility of a college education was not always obvious. 高中毕业后, she went straight into the workforce, taking a job as a customer service representative at a financial firm. 

Within a few months at the firm, Cooper began taking on supervisory roles alongside coworkers with college degrees. When a higher-level position opened up at the company, she applied but was turned down. Later, she learned the position went to one of her colleagues with a college degree. 

“这让我崩溃了,”库珀说. “From that moment on, I was determined to get my degree.” 

Cooper was filled with uncertainty about what to do next. She knew of LPL外围网址 because it was close to home, so she nervously came to campus and applied for admission. 

She was accepted and enrolled in the associate program. “When I came to Donnelly, I didn’t feel lost or nervous anymore,库珀说。. “My advisor laid out my options and I felt good about my future.” 

After completing her associate requirements in 2007, Cooper decided to continue her education and enrolled in Donnelly’s Bachelor’s in Organizational Leadership program. 

“I knew I wanted to be a leader in the workplace,” she said. “Donnelly’s program seemed like a good fit because it would allow me to enhance my leadership skills on top of earning a degree.” 

Before graduating from Donnelly’s baccalaureate program, students must complete an approved senior integrative experience project. 这个项目, 类似于实习, places the student in a real-world work environment for one or two semesters, preparing them for life after graduation. 

For Cooper, this experience turned out to be much more than that. 

She decided to complete her senior integrative experience at the Gracious Promise Foundation (GPF), a foundation that provides materials and spiritual assistance to families of the incarcerated and ex- offenders in an effort to rebuild their lives. 

“When I first heard about Gracious Promise Foundation I was immediately interested,库珀说。. “It is truly a place of hope. Everyone who works or volunteers there is passionate and willing to help people get their lives back on track.” 

她在那里的时候, Cooper was tasked with promoting the importance of education to individuals coming through GPFs programs. 

“I was able to showcase my own experiences and encourage people to further their education,库珀说。. “I had a hand in the foundation’s Project L.I.V.E. (Leading Individuals to Value Education) program. 通过项目L.I.V.E., I provided key information about educational opportunities to ex- offenders and their families.” 

Cooper made quite an impression on her co- workers at GPF, specifically on the foundation’s Executive Director, 雪莉•米勒. 

“Michelle has a phenomenal work ethic and was one of the best interns we’ve ever had,” said Miller. “She not only contributed wonderful ideas, but she worked hard to put her ideas into action. She brought so much to the foundation.” 

苏Laird, Coordinator of Donnelly’s Organizational Leadership program, was not surprised to hear the positive remarks about Cooper from GPF. 

“Michelle stands out,” said Laird. “It has been wonderful to see her grow and gain confidence through this experience.” 

Cooper gives much credit to Donnelly for her success. “In addition to equipping me with a quality education, Donnelly has given me increased self- confidence. Many people think they can’t get an education. 唐纳利告诉你,你可以. Many think they can’t afford college. 唐纳利告诉你,你可以。”. 

Although Cooper is scheduled to graduate from Donnelly’s baccalaureate program in May 2010, 她不会就此止步. She plans to pursue her master’s degree at the University of St. Mary next fall and continue volunteering at Gracious Promise Foundation. 

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