Philosophy of General Education

LPL外围网址 is committed to the integration of faith and reason, fully honoring its Catholic mission, 值, and identity as its community comes to know the truth. In addition to upholding the standards of academic excellence, 教师, and students should engage in reflection and research in light of the Catholic faith, with an institutional commitment to the service of others. 毕业生将获得广泛的知识、技能和能力,这将使他们成为一个多元化的全球社区中受过教育的参与者.


LPL外围网址 学习成果


  1. Communication Skills: 学生 will communicate effectively in writing and speaking.
  2. 技术和信息素养技能:学生将展示信息素养技能的熟练程度.
  3. 象征性解决问题:学生将展示定性和定量解决问题的能力.  
  4. 分析思维:学生将运用反思性思维来评估不同的观点,以寻求真理.
  5. 个人和人际交往能力:学生将发展对当地文化差异的理解, 在全国范围内, 与国际.
  6. 学术探究:学生将独立有效地参与终身学习.
  7. 价值观:学生将展示符合我们天主教身份的道德和伦理行为.

In addition to the LPL外围网址 学习成果, individual programs have specific learning outcomes as listed below.


Associate of Arts (AA), Liberal Arts 


  1. Proficiency and creativity in written and verbal communication.
  2. Effective use of current technology in support of academic work.
  3. Proficient use of qualitative and quantitative methods in problem solving.
  4. Critical and Analytic thinking across a range of disciplines.
  5. A commitment to ethics and integrity in academic and professional relationships, within the community and the environment.
  6. 运用资源、策略和跨学科方法进行研究的能力.

Associate of Applied Science (AAS), Concentration in Business

成功完成应用科学副学士学位,主修商科, 学生将演示:

  1. Academically appropriate written and oral communication.
  2. An understanding of business theories. 
  3. 具备适合商业环境的技术和软件应用知识. 
  4. An understanding of workplace ethics and diversity. 

Associate of Applied Science (AAS), Concentration in Information Technology 

在成功完成应用科学副学士学位后,主修信息技术, 学生将演示:

  1. An ability to communicate effectively. 
  2. Knowledge of computer hardware and operating systems. 
  3. Understanding of technology trends, practices, and products. 
  4. Technical 技能 and methods to solve problems with 道德 consideration. 

Associate of Applied Science (AAS), Nursing (ADN/RN)

在成功完成注册护理应用科学副学士学位后, 学生将演示:

      1. 在不同人群中实践护理艺术和科学的综合护理行为. 
      2. Implement professional standards and scope of practice within 法律, 道德, 监管框架是有效的. 
      3. 与客户和跨专业医疗团队成员合作,优化客户结果. 
      4. Formulate safe and effective clinical judgements guided by the nursing process, 临床推理, 循证实践. 
      5. 利用现有资源和现有技术,管理客户服务并提供领导以满足客户需求.  
      6. 开展教学和学习进程,促进和维护全球人口的健康,减少风险. 
      7. 展示有效的沟通方法来管理客户需求,并与其他医疗团队成员互动.

Associate of Science (AS), Liberal Arts 


  1. Proficiency and creativity in written and verbal communication.
  2. Effective use of current technology in support of academic work.
  3. Proficient use of qualitative and quantitative methods in problem solving.
  4. Critical and Analytic thinking across a range of disciplines.
  5. A commitment to ethics and integrity in academic and professional relationships, within the community and the environment.
  6. Use of the scientific method.

Bachelor of Arts (BA), 商业领导 (formerly Organizational 领导)

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Arts in 商业领导, 学生将演示:

  1. Professional/technical oral and written communication 技能.
  2. Ethical consideration in business and leadership practice. 
  3. Critical thinking to make informed leadership decisions. 
  4. Analysis and application of essential business practices. 

Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS), Organizational 领导

* BAS, 当我们不再积极注册该计划时,组织领导将被删除 

在成功完成组织领导应用科学学士学位后, 学生将演示:

  1. A scholarly approach to oral and written communications.
  2. 区分和批判商业理论及其对组织的影响的能力.
  3. 分析定性和定量数据以做出明智决策的能力.
  4. 了解他们的领导风格,并将这种风格应用于各种情况.
  5. The capacity to function effectively on teams to establish goals, 计划任务, 满足最后期限, 并产生可交付成果.
  6. 评估和应用道德考虑的能力,因为他们涉及到领导理论和社会责任.
  7. 通过制定服务领导力计划,将领导力和商业理论整合到实践中,为他人提供服务领导力.

Bachelor of Science (BS), Information Systems

Upon successful completion of the Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, 学生将演示:

  1. 在多学科团队中与广泛的人员进行有效沟通的能力.
  2. An ability to use the techniques, 技能, and modern computing tools necessary for technological practice.
  3. 分析定性和定量数据以做出明智决策的能力.
  4. An ability to 道德ly design a system, 组件, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.
  5. 在了解技术对当地的影响的团队中有效运作的能力, 国家, 以及全球背景.
  6. 认识到需要, 并愿意通过对当代问题的持续研究来从事终身学习.
  7. 基于对专业知识的理解,在计算实践中做出明智决策的能力, 法律, and 道德 responsibilities.

Certificate, 实际的护理


     1. Relationship-centered care: provide nursing care that is relationship-centered, 有爱心的, culturally sensitive and based on the physiological, 经常发生健康变化的客户的心理社会和精神需求 
     2. 团队合作和协作:与客户和跨专业医疗团队成员合作,促进客户护理的连续性和共同决策.
     3. Evidence based practice: use current evidence as a basis for nursing practice.
     4. 信息学:利用信息和客户关怀技术来支持安全交付, 优质的客户服务.
     5. 质量改进:参与质量改进活动,评估其对客户结果的影响.
     6. 安全:提供一个安全的环境,减少对客户、自己和他人的伤害风险.
     7. 专业:在法律和道德原则的基础上对客户服务负责, 监管的指导方针, and standards of nursing practice.
     8. 领导能力:运用领导技能,支持客户服务的提供和协调.


Upon completion of 学生支援服务 programming, 学生将演示:

  1. Active participation in academic and career selection.
  2. Enhanced knowledge of resources to help them succeed in college.
  3. Active academic and social engagement, growth, and development.
  4. 在不同社区合作工作的技能,并建立一个强大的教师支持网络, 工作人员, 和同龄人.


Upon successful completion of the 成功的第一个 program, 学生将演示:

  1. Effective academic communication; both in written and oral form.
  2. Literal comprehension of college level readings.
  3. Understanding and application of processes for writing and research. 
  4. The characteristics, habits and attitudes of an effective learner.  
  5. 了解他们的社区经历和更大的世界之间的LPL外围网址, focusing especially on social justice issues.